BAS World Vans
Your destination to buy and sell commercial vehicles & equipment worldwide. BAS World provides a platform where sellers can showcase their vehicles and equipment to an international audience of potential buyers. Simultaneously, it enables buyers to explore and compare a wide range of commercial vehicles and equipment from around the world, granting them access to an extensive selection of options. BAS World facilitates transactions on a global scale, allowing sellers to expand their reach, and giving buyers the opportunity to find precisely what they're looking for, no matter where it may be located in the world.

Iveco Daily 35C14 Laadklep Dubbellucht Zijdeur Bakwagen Airco Cruise Meubelbak Koffer m3 Airco Cruise control
20 900EUR
Preis exkl. MwSt
- ≈ 19 736 CHF
- ≈ 21 863 USD
Ford Transit 130pk Open Laadbak Dubbellucht Trekhaak Airco Cruise Pritsche Pickup Airco Trekhaak Cruise control
17 800EUR
Preis exkl. MwSt
- ≈ 16 809 CHF
- ≈ 18 620 USD
Iveco Daily 35C12 Kipper Dubbel Cabine 3,5t Trekhaak Airco Cruise Kieper Tipper Benne 18m3 Airco Dubbel cabine Trekhaak Cruise control
19 900EUR
Preis exkl. MwSt
- ≈ 18 792 CHF
- ≈ 20 817 USD
Iveco Daily 35S16 Automaat L3H2 Airco Parkeersensoren L4H2 16m3 Airco
23 900EUR
Preis exkl. MwSt
- ≈ 22 569 CHF
- ≈ 25 002 USD
Renault Master 165PK Koelwagen Thermo King V-200 MAX 230V stekker -15 Koel Koeler Vries Kühlwagen Kühlkoffer 17m3 Airco Cruise control
45 900EUR
Preis exkl. MwSt
- ≈ 43 345 CHF
- ≈ 48 016 USD
Peugeot Boxer 120pk L2H2 Dubbele Schuifdeur LED Imperiaal Trekhaak Werkplaatsinrichting Camera Airco Cruise L2 Airco Trekhaak Cruise control
18 900EUR
Preis exkl. MwSt
- ≈ 17 847 CHF
- ≈ 19 771 USD